Let’s Talk Fitness: Finish Strong

I’m excited that my trainer, Shayla Nyree, is going to bring her fitness tips to my Wellness Blog. She pushes me during our sessions and has helped me to keep my body healthy. Be sure to visit her website at www.Shayla-Nyree.com

Dr. Legree

As colder temps approach and the seasons change, this can lead to decreased motivation when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. Here are three simple tips to help you power through the rest of the year and keep your fitness a priority: 

  1. Create a workout plan or switch up your current workout plan. – If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Having a structured workout regimen helps you track progress and ensures you’ll train your body properly. If you have been doing the same workouts for months, maybe it’s time to increase the intensity, up the weight, add more reps, or try something new to keep you engaged and give yourself a challenge. 
  2. Have an accountability partner. – This can be a friend, family member, or maybe you can look into hiring a personal trainer. Having someone to support you on your fitness journey goes a long way on the days where you just may not be feeling it.
  3. Set specific & realistic goals. – Work towards one fitness and/or nutrition goal each month to help keep you focused. We can’t tackle everything at once, but small wins over time add up to significant victories.

Let’s finish this last quarter of the year strong! Know that you have what it takes to remain consistent with your fitness goals. 

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